Thursday, December 1, 2011

The 21 Day Challenge

It has been said that after repeating a behavior for 21 consecutive days, the behavior will become a habit.

For the next 21 days, I am going to work on making a few behaviors become habit. My hope is that I may be more productive, more encouraging, and more inspiring.

I have been told by so many that I am an “encourager”. So, this is the point of my blog, to encourage others to do more with their lives by inspiring them to do good for themselves and others.  Here's to testing that strength out.

My 21 Day Challenge consists of the following:

1. To exercise every morning, for 21 days straight. I love exercising, especially running, but my poor little body hasn’t experienced a healthy routine in a very long time. It’s time to honor my body by making exercise a habit.

2. Read my bible, for 21 days straight. I can’t defeat the enemy, if I don’t constantly equip my mind and heart with the knowledge of God. As perfect as everything seems on the outside, I struggle with these reoccurring thoughts that go something like this, “am I good enough”, “am I too much”, “who am I supposed to be”, “am I good leader”, “will I turn out like my mom”, “If I could just change this one little, minor thing about myself…” These questions and statements are all lies and they will haunt me, and all of you, if we do not believe and remind ourselves that we are meant for so much more.

3. Blog, blog, blog, blog, blog. I love reading blogs, and they always inspiring me to be better. I hope that by blogging for 21 days straight, I will not only share my thoughts with you, but that they might inspire you.

Let the 21 Day Challenge commence!

How are you going to challenge yourself?


Ps. I walked 1.2 miles today, read Ephesians 3, and am posting this blog. Day 1… check!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Trying something NEW!

I am back! I am INSPIRED to INSPIRE. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and this blog to get inspired to do great things!

I'll be tweeting or blogging every day to inspire all of you, including myself!

Enjoy! :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The desires of my Heart.

Pursue God's will and not my own. I am learning everyday that I cannot face nor tackle this world alone.

Help youth, especially youth girls, to love themselves and grow in their talents to inspire the world. It is a passion of mine to nurture the creativity and imagination of young girls so that they may have a life full of possibilities.

To love so much it hurts. I have so much love to give. I can't wait to find the man God has been preparing just for me!

Live a simple and happy life. I don't find it necessary to make life complicated, especially when you can find simplicity and happiness in the little things.

Spend time with the people that mean the most to me, family and friends. It is important for me to cherish moments with the ones I love most because I don't know what is in store for the days to come.

Inspire the world with my talents. We all, somehow, want to share our talents in order to inspire the world, in some way. It's worth giving it a shot.

Enjoy God and continue to grow in Him. As a Christian, there have been many times when I have been in a "rut", but I find it important to seek direction when those times occur. I will pursue this, daily, even when days get tough.

Bring warmth to the world. I want people to feel comfortable and open around me. When the world can be so cold, why not bring warmth?

Continue to learn. I will finish my Master's degree in less than a year, but learning will never end. I plan to pursue a degree in learning for the rest of my life.

Being a role model to my peers and others. It is important for me to be someone that people can look up to and find encouragement through my lifestyle.

Help those that cannot help themselves. I have been so blessed with so much, the least I can do is give a little bit of that away.

Live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. When I focus on my health, I focus on balance, and when I focus on balance, I become a better woman. A better woman loves more, gives more, and inspires more. I want to be a better woman, always.

Travel, everywhere. I want to see the secret parts of my current residence, not to mention the rest of the world!


Inspiration comes at interesting times. When I am inspired, I can't help but share it with the world... with you.


Monday, May 11, 2009

On Intimidation.

It is invented. Derived from insecurities, uncertainties, and imagination. Intimidation has become somewhat of an issue in my life.

I believe healthy intimidation is necessary and inevitable. However, allowing it to get the best of you is not the role of intimidation. I’ve been intimidated by many individuals including higher authorities, my elders, some of my peers, and even guys. I believe it is something natural, but that sometimes, it can ruin or not allow something great to happen.

Have I ever been told that I was intimidating? Yes. Does it feel good? No.

For the most part, I equate intimidation with power and authority. While I do believe this, and in some ways it can be good, I do not allow intimidation get the best of me. Understanding that the only reason I am intimidated is because I have made myself feel that way. I have either placed someone on a pedestal or I am afraid of where things are going and/or can go (in professional and personal relationships). If I allowed intimidation to ruin what was in store for my life, I do not believe I would be where I am today and I definitely would not have met some of the most amazing people on this earth, and call them my friends.

When I look at myself in the mirror I see Cyndi Munson. I see the same young girl that had zero self esteem in the earlier parts of junior high while seeing endless potential because she decided to work hard. Anything that I have accomplished or will accomplish in life is based on hard work, education, and an extraordinary support system. It is not based on the need for power or prestige. Although no matter what any of us do in life, those things may come along. That, like intimidation, is natural, but it’s worth getting to know which of the above is being pursued. I want to change society by helping people. I want to provide for my family. I want to help my neighbors and community members. I want to be an active, productive citizen. I want to make my father proud. I do not want to be intimidating and do not think that I am.

Remember when you are faced with a person or situation and it seems “intimidating”, know that you can overcome it. Remember that it isn’t worth allowing it to get the best of you. No individual would be faced with a difficult person or situation if it couldn’t be handled. You invent unhealthy intimidation. Healthy intimidation is there, and it will continue to exist, but great things can and will blossom if you keep it as that… healthy.

If you feel that I am intimidating, let’s talk about it. I want to know how you define it. Because the way I define it, intimidating would not be something I would describe myself as.

Please share your comments. Thanks!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And they say women can't go to the bathroom alone.

Well, if that is true then men can't go to the gym without each other. Especially the weight room.

Seriously, I have never seen a group of men travel together in packs as I see them when I am on the eliptical. It is so funny to watch. There is nothing I enjoy more at the gym, besides the exercising part, than watching people. It is quite interesting. I should watch what I say though, because I am sure I do crazy and/or funny things that people are blogging about right now, too.

But, today was so different and I feel like I should share. I usually work out at 7 or 8 in the morning, but today I had to work out at 3 in the afternoon. Do you want to know where the entire male population is at this time of day? In the weight room at the gym... together!

As I was burning my calories and increasing my mileage, I would see medium to large groups of guys walk into the room all at once. It was so weird. I have never seen anything like it before. Guys walk with their chins up, arms flexed, iPod locked in their ears, and towels in hand. Ready for some serious weight lifting. Do you have to do it together? In groups?

I figure it wouldn't hurt asking. Guys always ask us if we all have to go to the bathroom together. The answer is yes and there is no reason for it, we just do. I wonder if that is the same with guys and the weight room?

Anyway, nothing deep, just a funny observation. I have plans to hit the gym EARLY in the morning tomorrow... like 6 a.m. early, so we will have to see what the weight room will look like at that time of day.

Until then, here's to traveling in packs,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Starving! Not Really.

So, lately, this has been on my mind a lot. Saying, "I'm starving"! Am I really starving? I don't think so.

In all reality, I have no idea what it means to be starving. Of course, it may depend on how you define the word and/or meaning of "starving". To me, starving is being of malnutrition and having absolutely, positively no way of getting nutrients into your system. Never once have I been in this predicament.

Now, I will be honest with you. I have been HUNGRY. Like so hungry my stomach started to burn. However, I still had the ability to reach for some kind of snack or find a friend that could provide a snack.

This is my challenge to you. Of course, I never pose a challenge without taking it on myself. I challenge all of you and myself to refrain from the phrase, "I'm starving". Especially if you tend to agree with the definition that I have provided for you.

There are plenty of people in this country and countries that are not as well off as ours that are truly experiencing starvation. As many of us (and I would venture to say most of us) have not truly experienced starvation and may never experience it, should not act as if we are or have. Instead, when that hunger pain arises, think of those that are experiencing starvation and ways to end it.

At this point in the evening, I would do anything to reach over to a warm oatmeal, chocolate chip cookie, but I will refrain no matter how hungry I am for something sweet. Instead, I'll sip on some water and pray that someone who does not have access to what I do will be able to reach for something as sweet as a cookie.

I'm SO hungry,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Inspriation Will be Found Here.

Still under construction -- I am currently getting my page together. It should be ready soon... I'm so ready to blog it up!